to either maintain or improve conditions. Each measure defines the division’s success in carrying out the action plan. Debt Service Harford County is required to budget annually for the payment of principal and interest due on the amount of debt that it has incurred along with lease payments. This section details the County’s principal and interest payments for the budget year for each fund, as well as the service costs incurred to issue or manage debt. Insurance The County maintains a Self-Insurance Fund for the purpose of paying General and Automobile Liability claims and County property damage losses. Funding requirements allocated to each major fund are determined on the basis of an annual contracted actuarial analysis and internal evaluation of loss experience and exposures. The amount of appropriation required for each fund for Fiscal Year 2024 is listed in this section. Benefits This section provides a list of funds appropriated for Fiscal Year 2024 representing the share of expenses for the major funds to provide the following benefits to County employees: pensions, unemployment insurance, death benefits, life insurance, employee tuition reimbursement and a health benefit supplement for retired employees. Paygo / Non-Departmental Debt Management policies within Harford County’s five year business plan confirms that Pay-As-You Go (Paygo) funding will continue to be used for minor renovation and repair projects which have an asset life of less than ten years. A list of projects planned and amount of paygo appropriated by fund for Fiscal Year 2024 is provided in this section. Non-Departmental expenses include costs essential to the operation of the County Government which do not fall within the functions of any one department or agency. This section defines and details these expenses which include a Closure Reserve account, the Rural Legacy Program, Appropriations to Towns, and Appropriations to State. Contingency Reserve This section provides a statement of contingency reserves for both the General Fund and Highways Fund. Per the Harford County Charter, Section 506, the reserve shall not exceed three percent of any fund. Capital Budget A summary highlighting the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 and the six-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is provided in this section. A more detailed description of both is included in a separate document, The Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2023 - 2024.
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