Harford County Department of Treasury FY 2024 Performance Measure Report

Vision: Harford County Government serves with the highest levels of professionalism, collaboration, and innovation in public service. Mission: To govern with integrity, competency, and efficiency, improving the quality of life for all Harford countians Alignment to Countywide Strategic Goals Honest Government - Doing what is right on behalf of the citizens we serve. Fiscal Responsibility - Managing taxpayer funds responsibly, efficiently, and effectively; governing within our means. Strong Families - Building & maintaining public infrastructure and facilities; promoting open space and protecting our environment. Public Safety - Preparing for emergencies, deploying first responders on-time to every part of our County, mitigating disasters, and supporting law enforcement Excellence in Education - Investing in the classroom; focusing on student achievement; creating quality employment and intern opportunities Economic Prosperity - Attracting and retaining high quality business and meaningful jobs.

2 - Maintain the Triple A Bond Rating Performance Measures 1 - Number of Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) comments.

Actual FY 22 Actual FY 23 Estimate FY 24 Change 11 9 8




Performance Measure 1: Number of Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) comments. ABOUT THIS MEASURE: with improvements or suggestion to correct deficiencies in our Report. WHAT IS BEING DONE AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO TRACK: receiving the annual GFOA certificate of achievement for excellence in financial reporting award. This measure is comments given to us on our yearly Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) It is important to track comments since deficiencies not corrected in the following ACFR may disqualify us from

FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO CURRENT PERFORMANCE: in our ACFR. Also implementation of future GASB pronouncements. Performance Measure 2: Maintain the Triple A Bond Rating ABOUT THIS MEASURE:

Interpretation and implementation of current Government Accounting Standard Board (GASB) pronouncements

This measure is to maintain the triple A bond rating for current and future bond sales.

WHAT IS BEING DONE AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO TRACK: statements, current financial position and the highlights of the future budget to secure future triple A bond rating FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO CURRENT PERFORMANCE: Clean audit opinions on our financial statements and responsible future budgets revenue estimates. Yearly we do a presentation to all three bond rating agencies where we present our prior year financial


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