Performance Measure 3: ABOUT THIS MEASURE: HUD measures the performance of the PHA to administer the HCV program in 14 areas. requiring special actions and reporting requirements by the Agency. WHAT IS BEING DONE AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO TRACK: Management routinely monitor client files and A score of 90 or above indicates a high performing agency, 60-89 is standard, and below 60 is a troubled agency FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO CURRENT PERFORMANCE: Competency of staff. Harford County received COVID waivers the past three years and was not required to submit SEMAP. Last SEMAP score = 100 in 2019. Performance Measure 4: ABOUT THIS MEASURE: Actual number of housing counseling clients who met with a HUD certified housing counselor and received services from the Dept. of Housing & Community Development. WHAT IS BEING DONE AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO TRACK: Harford County funds partial salary for FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO CURRENT PERFORMANCE: Housing market, foreclosure rates, availability of housing counselors (majority is grant funded) and needs to evaluate ongoing need and efficacy of counseling down payment funds. unit inspections to ensure that staff are correctly administering program requirements.
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