Harford County, Maryland FY 24 Proposed Operating Budget
COUNTY EXECUTIVE Office of the County Executive Index #011000
FY 23 FY 24 CHANGE EXPLANATION OF INCREASE/DECREASE PERSONAL SERVICES decrease ($379,116) 479,074 487,526 8,452 Full-Time Salaries 8,452 Turnover - Administrative Secretary Salary Benefits Total (339,364) (339,364) (242,006) (97,358) (339,364) One (1) Administrative Specialist transferred to
Procurement and one (1) Project Manager (Chief Advisor transferred to Office of Executive Staff and reclassified to Chief of Executive Staff)
107,284 88,992 (18,292) Health Benefit calculations adjusted for consistency in position budgeting 28,720 15,656 (13,064) RHS (Retirement Health Savings) adjusted based on actual costs
19,412 0 (19,412) 27th pay costs budgeted in FY 23 eliminated for FY 24
23,500 20,500 (3,000) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES decrease of ($3,000) Telephone service adjusted based on actual expenses
20,400 21,700 1,300 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS increase of $1,300 Adjusted based on actual expense history
28,200 52,200 24,000 BUSINESS & TRAVEL increase of $24,000
Vehicle maintenance and fuel adjusted based on actual expense history. Additional funds provided for costs related to travel for the County Executive to attend conferences, etc.
MISCELLANEOUS decrease of ($15,000) 160,000 145,000 (15,000) Contributions - reduced based on actual expense history
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