Harford County, Maryland FY 24 Proposed Operating Budget
GBC Greater Baltimore Committee
LF Linear Feet
NMWDA Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System OICT Office of Information and Communication Technology
GFOA Government Finance Officers Association GIS Geographic Information System
MACO Maryland Association of Counties
MARC Maryland Rail Commuter
G.O. BONDS General Obligation Bonds
MTA Mass Transit Authority
OPEB Other Post Employment Benefits
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials
MVA Motor Vehicle Association
OSHA Occupational Safety Hazard Association
HCN Harford Cable Network
MOSHA Maryland Occupational Safety Hazard Association MRIS Metropolitan Regional Information Systems NACO National Association of Counties
PAYGO "Pay As You Go" Financing
HWDC Harford Waste Disposal Center
PEHP Post Employment Health Plan
LAN Local Area Network
POS Program Open Space
LEPC Local Emergency Planning Committee
NAWAS National Warning System
SARA Superfund Amendment Reauthorization Act
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