FY 25 Harford County Approved Operating Budget
ORIGIN & PURPOSE: The Harford County Charter, Article V Budget and Finance, Section 502. (b) defnes the term "County funds" to mean "any monies appropriated or approved by the Council to which the County may at any time have legal or equitable title." The Water and Sewer Operating Fund was established as a self-sustaining utility to account for water and sewer services provided by Harford County Government, through the Water and Sewer Division of the Department of Public Works and dedicated divisions of Treasury and Human Resources. Harford County Code, Chapter 256-3, declares the County to be a "sanitary district" and that the Department of Public Works Division of Water & Sewer shall exercise control of all publicly owned water, sewerage and waste water facilities and systems in the County. The County Council is enabled by the Code's Chapter 256-4 to establish sanitary subdistricts and to revise all rates, charges, assessments or other payments required by or levied by the County. For the purpose of securing revenue to maintain, repair and operate its water supply, sewerage or drainage systems, and other expenses, including depreciation allowances, plus interest on and retirement of bonds, the County is authorized by Chapter 256-19 to make various service charges for water, sewer and drainage service and a charge for water used, and may Impose late fees on bills that remain unpaid. The County may also turn of water and levy turn-on and / or turn-of fees; plus upon an owner's request for cessation or installation of service, the County may charge a fee. Per Chapter 256-20 a meter is required to be placed on each water connection to the County's water system. These meters remain the property of the County and the County can impose a charge for installation of the meter. So enabled by Code, the County funds its Water and Sewer operations with the following revenues: User Charges for both Water and Sewer; Service Charges including: tests and inspections, design review, construction meter rental, hydrant charges, job/shop repair orders, meter installations, Miss Utility charges to locate water and sewer lines for developers, industrial waste permits, interest and penalties, and miscellaneous general government charges.
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