FY 25 Harford County Approved Operating Budget


ORIGIN & PURPOSE: The Harford County Charter, Article V Budget and Finance, Section 502. (b) defnes the term "County funds" to mean "any money appropriated or approved by the Council to which the County may at any time have legal or equitable title." The Water and Sewer Debt Service Fund provides appropriation authority for the payment of principal and interest on longterm water and sewer bonds and loans. Article V, Section 524 of the Harford County Charter allows the County to incur debt for longer than one year, but not for current operating expenses. All County debt in excess of one year is limited to 30 years after the date of issuance, except debt incurred to fnance waste, sewer and wastewater facilities which shall become due not later than 40 years after the date of issuance. These bonds and loans are used to fnance the capital projects of the County owned Water and Sewer System. Revenues for the Water and Sewer Debt Service Fund are derived from: SYSTEM CAPITAL CHARGES - which include: Connection Charges - These charges are based on a schedule of $450 per equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) for sewerage connections and $650 per EDU for water connections. An EDU is a unit of measure set to a maximum of 20 gallons per minute or 30 fxture units. Harford County Code Chapter 256, Article V, Section 44 established these charges. All connection charges must be paid before physical connection to the system or within six months of the date, the property is physically benefted. Surcharges - Established by Harford County Code Chapter 256, Article V, Section 45.1, these surcharges are placed on every water and sewer connection at $450 per EDU for water, and similarly $100 for sewer. Surcharges are to be paid before issuance of a plumbing permit. Development Charges - System development charges were established by Harford County Code Chapter 256, Article V, Section 45.4, Water/Sewer mains must be deemed operational by the Department of Public Works, and development charges must be paid, before the issuance of a Beneft Assessments - Harford County Code, Chapter 256-27 authorizes the County Council, on the recommendation of the Director of Public Works, to establish an annual "beneft assessment" on properties in the systems to pay for construction, purchase or establishment of water and/or sewer facilities. The Director of Public Works, after obtaining from the County Treasurer the costs of the capital improvements, shall determine the proper assessment to be levied. plumbing permit for connection. ASSESSMENTS - are comprised of:

User Beneft Assessments - Harford County Code, Chapter 256-45.2 authorizes "user beneft assessments" against all properties which benefted from a connection to county public facilities, to create a fund to pay for the expansion, extension or reconstruction of the water and/or sewer system. These assessments are to be made for


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