FY 25 Harford County Approved Operating Budget
The County Agricultural Preservation Fund - is used to purchase easement rights on agricultural land. Revenue for this fund is derived from Harford County’s Transfer Tax, Investment Income, and the proceeds from installment loan funds in the County’s Agricultural Land Preservation Program. The Parks and Recreation Special Revenue Fund was also established by Harford County in response to the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 34, which requires certain self-sustaining accounts to be included in a local government’s operating budget beginning July 1, 2001. This fund generates revenues from fees and rents charged by the Department of Parks and Recreation for activities of a self-sustaining nature.
Enterprise Funds
Enterprise funds include the Water and Sewer Fund and Water and Sewer Debt Service Fund.
The Water and Sewer Fund - requires a “separate budget for each utility shall be included in the current expense and capital budget”. The fund provides for the operations of the County’s water and sewer systems. The systems are financed primarily through charges to customers for services provided. The Water and Sewer Debt Service Fund - includes the payment of principal and interest on long-term water and sewer bonds and loans. The debt provides funding for Water and Sewer capital projects. User fees and surtaxes generate the revenue for this fund.
Harford County does not appropriate for Private Purpose Trust Funds or Agency Funds. These are included in the audited financial statements.
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