FY 25 Harford County Approved Operating Budget
A number of agencies, though independent from Harford County Government, receive the major portion of their operating funds from the County. The County funds appropriated to these agencies represent significant portions of the County’s Operating and Capital Budgets. Article VIII, Section 811 of the County Charter defines each of these agencies as “a subordinate element of government…including… when so specified, all offices, departments, institutions, boards, commissions, and corporations which receive or disburse County funds.” The Harford County Board of Education was established under the Education Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland to have perpetual existence and be a body politic and corporate of the State of Maryland. It is empowered and required to maintain a reasonably uniform system of public schools designed to provide quality education and equal educational opportunities for all youth. Per Senate Bill 629, effective July 1, 2009, the Board of Education was changed from a fully appointed Board to an elected-appointed Board consisting of six elected members and three members appointed by the Governor of the State of Maryland for four-year terms to be phased in over a period of time. There is also a student representative to the Board who serves a one-year term while a high school senior. This student is elected by the Harford County Regional Association of Student Councils. The Board of Education appoints the Superintendent of Schools for a four year term. The Superintendent acts as the Executive Officer of the Board as well as Secretary and Treasurer. The Superintendent is responsible for the Administration of the Harford County Public School System which consists of fifty-three schools, thirty-two elementary, nine middle, nine comprehensive high, one technical high, a special education school serving students with disabilities, and an Alternative Education Program. There is a 245 acre Harford Glen Outdoor Education Center. BOARD OF EDUCATION AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Harford County’s Public Library System was established in 1946 and re-established in 1981 as a County agency operating under State law. The Library Board of Trustees was authorized by the Laws of Maryland Article 77 and the Harford County Code Article 21, Chapter 9. The Board of Trustees are appointed by the County Executive and confirmed by the County Council to overlapping five year terms. Their duties were established by State law:
◦ To establish and operate a free library ◦ To set library policy ◦ To advise in the budget process and control spending of funds
The system operates eleven branches, a Rolling Reader Program, a Silver Reader Program, the Highlands Common Library, and provides library services to the Harford County Detention Center.
Harford Community College was founded in 1957 as a public community college. The College occupies approximately 350 acre site on Thomas Run Road, three miles east of Bel Air, Maryland. The mission of Harford Community College (HCC) is to provide high quality, accessible and affordable educational opportunities and services. These include university transfer, career, developmental and
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