FY 25 Harford County Approved Operating Budget

Harford County Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives Vision Harford County Government serves with the highest levels of professionalism, collaboration, and innovation in public service. Mission To govern with integrity, competency, and efficiency, improving the quality of life for all Harford countians. Goals and Objectives ■ Honest Government - Doing what is right on behalf of the citizens we serve.

■ Fiscal Responsibility - Managing taxpayer funds responsibly, efficiently, and effectively, governing within our means.

■ Strong Families - Building and maintaining public infrastructure and facilities; promoting open space and protecting our environment.

■ Public Safety - Preparing for emergencies, deploying first responders on-time to every part of our County, mitigating disasters, and supporting law enforcement.

■ Excellence in Education - Investing in the classroom; focusing on student achievement; creating quality employment and intern opportunities.

■ Economic Prosperity - Attracting and retaining high quality businesses and meaningful jobs.


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