FY 25 Harford County Approved Operating Budget
Harford County Department of Law FY 2025 Performance Measure Report
Strong Families - Building & maintaining public infrastructure and facilities; promoting open space and protecting our environment. Public Safety - Preparing for emergencies, deploying first responders on-time to every part of our County, mitigating disasters, and supporting law enforcement Excellence in Education - Investing in the classroom; focusing on student achievement; creating quality employment and intern opportunities Economic Prosperity - Attracting and retaining high quality business and meaningful jobs. Vision: Harford County Government serves with the highest levels of professionalism, collaboration, and innovation in public service. Mission: To govern with integrity, competency, and efficiency, improving the quality of life for all Harford countians Alignment to Countywide Strategic Goals Honest Government - Doing what is right on behalf of the citizens we serve. Fiscal Responsibility - Managing taxpayer funds responsibly, efficiently, and effectively; governing within our means.
Performance Measures
Actual FY 23 Actual FY 24 Estimate FY 25
1 - Outside Counsel
2 - Workers' Compensation payouts 3 - Workers' Compensation collections (subrogation) 4 - Vehicle Accident/Damage - County at Fault payments for vehicle damage and personal injury 5 - Vehicle Accident/Damage - HCSO at Fault payments for vehicle damage and personal injury 6 - Vehicle Accident/Damage - Third Party at Fault HCSO & County vehicle damage (subrogation) 7 - Vehicle Accident/Damage - Third Party at Fault Collections for HCSO & County vehicle damage 8 - VehicleAccident/Damage - HCSO Only Invovled No one at fault - comprehensive internal (deer strike, windshield damage, etc.) 9 - VehicleAccident/Damage - County Only Involved No one at fault - comprehensive internal (deer strike, windshield damage, etc.) 10 - VehicleAccident/Damage - HCSO Only Involved At fault internal collision - costs incurred for HCSO vehicle damage 11 - VehicleAccident/Damage - County Only Involved At fault internal collision - costs incurred for County vehicle damage
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