FY 25 Harford County Government Proposed Operating Budget

TREASURY Ofce of the Treasurer Cost Center 041000

ORIGIN / PURPOSE: The Office of the Treasurer is responsible for administration of the various areas of the Department of Treasury, including Accounting and Revenue Collections, and has oversight responsibility for Water and Sewer Accounting. This office also provides financial support and information to the County Administration and County Council. The Office of the Treasurer has been instrumental in securing the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for Harford County's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the 33rd consecutive year and has applied for the award for the most current audit. FY 25 GOALS: TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ACCOUNTING OVERSIGHT AND GUIDANCE TO COUNTY AGENCIES AND EXTERNAL CUSTOMERS TO ENSURE THAT GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES, LEGAL REQUIREMENTS, COUNTY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ARE CONSISTENTLY APPLIED IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF THE COUNTY'S ACCOUNTING RECORDS, AND FULLY MEET ALL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS LEVERAGE GRANTS TO CREATE OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH AND ENHANCEMENT OF THE COUNTY'S GOALS


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