FY 25 Harford County Government Proposed Operating Budget

TREASURY Revenue Collections Cost Center 044000

ORIGIN/PURPOSE: The Bureau of Revenue Collections collects, deposits, and reports all revenues coming into Harford County. The annual, supplemental, and half year real estate tax billing are handled here. There is much contact with citizens as well as the business community. This ofce processes lien certifcates required to transfer property. All deeds and leases to be recorded in Harford County are reviewed and stamped. The annual Harford County Tax Sale is planned, executed, and followed up by this ofce. Business and Personal Property Taxes are collected and assistance is given to tax payers. Liens and writs are issued on delinquent accounts as part of the collection eforts of this ofce. The Harford County Bureau of Revenue Collections continues to try to improve services to the tax payers and the business community. FY 25 GOALS: TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ACCOUNTING OVERSIGHT AND GUIDANCE TO COUNTY AGENCIES AND EXTERNAL CUSTOMERS TO ENSURE THAT GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES, LEGAL REQUIREMENTS, COUNTY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ARE CONSISTENTLY APPLIED IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF THE COUNTY'S ACCOUNTING RECORDS, AND FULLY MEET ALL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS LEVERAGE GRANTS TO CREATE OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH AND ENHANCEMENT OF THE COUNTY'S GOALS.


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