Harford Legacy Farm Commemorative Book


Whiteford's Desire est. 1769 - Whiteford, MD Current Owner: Leslie Whiteford Original Purchaser: Hugh Whiteford Current Acreage: 72 Current Agricultural Products or Services: cattle, pigs, corn, grain Preserved In 1769, the farm was patented to Hugh Whiteford while part of Baltimore County, a few years before Harford County was founded. A stone/log home was on the farm and also remnants of a tannery and gristmill stones were found. The barn was built in 1926 by William Turner Whiteford. The farm has raised cattle, pigs, corn, and grains over the more recent years. Friendship Enlarged Farm est. 1791 - Jarrettsville, MD Current Owner: John Cairnes Original Purchaser: Richard Hope Current Acreage: 276 Current Agricultural Products or Services: wheat, soybeans, corn, beef cattle Century Farm (MDA), Governor's Recognition

Friendship Enlarged has been actively and continuously farmed for over 200 years. My father, George Wilson Cairnes, farmed the acreage until 1988 when the property was leased to an adjoining property owner, Edwin Grimmel, who still actively cultivates the acreage. Between the two parcels, there are about 170 acres of tillable land, 60 acres of pasture, and 30 acres of woodland. The balance of the acreage surrounds includes the improvements.

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