Harford Legacy Farm Commemorative Book


The Wright Farm est. 1793 - Pylesville, MD Current Owners: Deborah Wright Trout, John Wright Trout, and Jaclyn Ann Trout Smithson Original Purchaser: Daniel Smithson Current Acreage: 112 Current Agricultural Products or Services: beef, corn, soybeans Preserved In early Maryland history, there were tracts of land called Reserved Land which were not available for direct in-fee ownership but kept as part of the royal trust for speculation by the Lords Baltimore. It was generally wild territory. After the Revolutionary War, British properties and other "vacant" lands were declared public. In 1793, Daniel Smithson purchased acreage and set up housekeeping, and ran a farm.

Although the farm was an original parcel of many more acres, our family still lives and farms the parcel of the original track where Daniel and Susannah settled, built a log cabin, and are buried. Family members were buried on the farm in the family cemetery before establishing Church cemeteries. The congregation of St. Paul Church met in the family barn prior to erecting the church building on the corner of the farm in 1887. The Wright Farm - you can see the church building on the corner of the farm

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