Harford Legacy Farm Commemorative Book

Harford Legacy Farm | 42

Grimmel Farms est. 1908 - Jarrettsville, MD

Current Owners: Ed Grimmel Original Purchaser: John George Grimmel Current Acreage: 253 Current Agricultural Products or Services: corn, soybeans, wheat, barley, summer produce, hay, straw, and show cattle Preserved The original purpose of the farm was a canning house. After a few years, it converted to a dairy farm. In the early 1950s, automatic milkers were added. We milked in the original barn until 1986 when we entered the federal buyout, and Ed focused on building the grain operation that he began after graduation in 1976 while also milking cows. In the 45 years Ed has been running the farm, he has acquired six farms in Pennsylvania and six farms in Maryland, in addition to the home farm, totaling over 1,800 acres owned. Ed currently farms over 5,000 acres with well over 100 landlords. All of the farms we own in Harford County are preserved. Ed's grandchildren are the 6th generation on the farm.

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