Harford County, Maryland FY 24 Proposed Operating Budget
HUMAN RESOURCES Director of Human Resources Index #082000
FY 23 FY 24 CHANGE EXPLANATION OF INCREASE/DECREASE PERSONAL SERVICES decrease ($11,960) 752,737 793,955 41,218 Full-time salaries 27,411 Salary Adjustment 13,807 Turnover 41,218
31,166 0 (31,166) 27th Pay 25,000 35,000 10,000 Temporary Salaries - provides for college intern 82,801 91,305 8,504 Pension adjustments 3,589 2,718 (871) Workers Compensation adjustments 227,209 176,075 (51,134) Health Benefit calculations adjusted for consistency in position budgeting
9,012 10,232 1,220 OPEB (Other Post Employment Plan) 50,260 54,792 4,532 RHS (Retirement Health Savings) 55,930 61,667 5,737 FICA adjustments
CONTRACTUAL SERVICES no change in funding over FY 23 0 Funds provide for telephone service and office equipment
4,840 4,840
SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS increase $8,400 12,500 20,900 8,400 Other Supplies and Materials increased for one time expense of new badges for employees and Uniform Purchase for staff shirts
BUSINESS AND TRAVEL increase $1,000 27,575 28,575 1,000 Meals and Membership Fees increased based on actuals
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