Harford County, Maryland FY 24 Proposed Operating Budget
Harford County Sheriff's Office - Anticipated FY 24 Grants
County Match
Recurring or One Time
Federal $468,173
State Other
Grant Dates
Child Support Administration Cooperative Reimbursement Agreement
This grant will fund the salary and benefits for four positions who concentrate their efforts specifically on the service of summons, warrants and writs of paternity, AFDC and non-AFDC child support cases and the data entry and tracking of each. It will also fund the basic operating costs of the Unit and will allow three unit members to attend an annual conference and training seminar. Provides overtime for law enforcement deputies to perform This project will develop timely and accurate intelligence with the goal of disrupting and dismantling organized criminal activity throughout Harford County. Grant funds will provide salaries, overtime for law enforcement, training and equipment. Provides overtime for law enforcement deputies to perform traffic safety enforcement. This grant will fund the purchase of an additional license plate reader system, which will enhance pro-active auto theft details. This grant will enable the Harford County Sheriff's Office to fund the salary and benefits of three deputies and one corporal. Technology and equipment upgrades and training to improve the investigation and prosecution of internet crimes against children traffic safety enforcement.
$267,978 10/1/23 - 9/30/24
Harford County Sheriff's Office Traffic Safety
10/21/23 - 9/30/24
MCIN Harford County
7/1/23 - 6/30/24
Harford County Sheriff's Office Traffic Safety (Impaired Driving) STOP THIEF Grant
10/1/23 - 9/30/24
7/1/23 - 6/30/24
SRO/Adequate Coverage Grant
7/1/23 - 6/30/24
Technology Facilitated Crimes Against Children Support Grant
7/1/23 - 6/30/24
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