FY 25 Harford County Approved Operating Budget
“A Natural Resources Element Plan” includes methods for protecting environmental resources, including streams and their buffers, steep slopes, floodplains, and the habitats of threatened and endangered species. “A Historic Preservation Plan” explains how historic structures and archaeological sites can further an awareness of the importance of the County’s heritage among the citizens. “An Edgewood Community Plan” is a comprehensive revitalization strategy to improve physical, social, and economic conditions within the Edgewood community, which strives to guide future growth and sustain the community’s character and values. “A Joppa/Joppatowne Community Plan” is a community level master plan that serves as a blueprint for the physical development and redevelopment of the community. 1997 - Five pieces of legislation collectively known as “Smart Growth” were passed by the State General Assembly. This legislation directed the State to target programs and funding to support established communities and locally designated growth areas and to protect rural areas. 2004 - The 2004 Master Plan incorporated the Visions of the Maryland Planning Act and Smart Growth initiatives, including Priority Funding Areas and implementation of a Rural Legacy Program. Building on these State programs, Harford County developed a series of guiding principles that formed the foundation for the Land Use Element Plan, and in effect provided the County’s vision for growth management and resource protection. These guiding principles include Quality of Life, Stewardship of our Resources, Growth Management, Redevelopment and Revitalization, Commitment to Communities, Coordination among Agencies, and a Sound, Balanced and Diversified Local Economy. Also included for the 2004 Master Plan were the following elements. “A Community Facilities Plan Element” includes proposals for parks and recreation areas, schools, and other educational and cultural facilities. “A Consolidated Plan” that outlines how the County will use Federal, State and Local funds to address the housing and community development needs of low to moderate income families in the community. “Designated Growth Areas” are also included in the 2004 Master Plan. While the Development Envelope is included in these growth areas, other pockets of the County will be developed as well. 2008 - The Preservation Priority Plan is introduced defining a specific area of the County for Agriculture Preservation. This Plan complemented the objectives and strategies in the Rural Element Plan. The Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations were also overhauled and enhanced to coincide with 21 st century design standards. 2009 - The Transportation Plan was updated and enhanced to include bicycle, pedestrian and air quality strategies. In addition to this, the Natural Resource Element Plan was updated to include the Water Resources element that assessed the County public and private water demand.
2010 - The Historic Preservation Plan was updated.
2012 - The 2012 Master Plan and Land Use Element Plan are signed into law by the County Executive. The Land Use Element Plan identifies general areas in Harford County where agricultural, residential,
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