FY 25 Harford County Approved Operating Budget
commercial, industrial and open space uses will be allowed. This Plan serves as a policy document to ensure a compatible pattern of land uses throughout the County. 2016 - HarfordNEXT, a Master Plan for the Next Generation, is signed into law by the County Executive. The document unifies the separate element plans into a cohesive, streamlined plan. Focus areas include land use, mobility and connectivity, environmental stewardship, agricultural and historic preservation, economic vitality, and healthy communities. Community input considered throughout the development phase of the plan was facilitated by unprecedented levels of public outreach, including a variety of online engagement tools. Big ideas introduced in HarfordNEXT include holistic transportation planning that emphasizes livability over simple vehicle mobility. Other ideas include green infrastructure planning, a renewed emphasis on preservation, and “form based” zoning that considers the design and operation of a proposed development. Long Range Fiscal Goals Innovation. Technology. Efficiency. These initiatives dominate the concept for the future of Harford County. It is the County Executive’s goal to move Harford County forward as Maryland’s new center of opportunity for economic success. This was initiated by the relocation of the Office of Economic Development (OED) to the U.S. Route 40 corridor, five minutes from the MD 22 gate of Aberdeen Proving Ground and co-located with an incubator, a collaborative tech workspace, a myriad of on-site small business resources and more tools than ever to support small business development.
Strategic Relocation
This move was strategically oriented to capitalize on innovations happening at Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) while at the same time provide support for all types of companies from concept to commercialization. As the County continues to strengthen its mass transit infrastructure, this relocation along the Route 40 corridor will emphasize transit oriented and tech cluster development within a close proximity of APG.
Small Business Development
A synchronized hub creates a convenient and attractive workspace for a small business to begin their economic gardening, supporting all stages of business development, ultimately reaching for the goal of making Harford County the place for entrepreneurs to relocate and launch their ideas. Having resources on hand is imperative to this success. The Small Business Resource Office houses the Business Navigator, serving as the first point of assessment and referral for small business needs. Additionally, partnerships with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (PTAP), the Army Alliance, the Regional Additive Manufacturing Authority (RAMP MD), the Northeastern MD Technology Council (NMTC), Harford’s Business Edge (HBE) and the North Eastern Maryland University Research Park (NEMD URP) are all available to small businesses in their early stages of development. With these collaborative partnerships also comes an incubator space available by lease for start-up companies, integrated with a suite of services including the GroundFloor urban industrial workspace and the Corporate Commons Area.
Financial Support and Future Growth
The Office of Economic Development also houses financial support for business development and works closely with the community to obtain financing and assistance in venturing capital, local, state
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