FY 25 Harford County Approved Operating Budget

Harford County Department of Housing & Community Services Transit FY 2025 Performance Measure Report

Strong Families - Building & maintaining public infrastructure and facilities; promoting open space and protecting our environment. Vision: Harford County Government serves with the highest levels of professionalism, collaboration, and innovation in public service. Mission: To govern with integrity, competency, and efficiency, improving the quality of life for all Harford countians Alignment to Countywide Strategic Goals Honest Government - Doing what is right on behalf of the citizens we serve. Public Safety - Preparing for emergencies, deploying first responders on-time to every part of our County, mitigating disasters, and supporting law enforcement Excellence in Education - Investing in the classroom; focusing on student achievement; creating quality employment and intern opportunities Economic Prosperity - Attracting and retaining high quality business and meaningful jobs. Fiscal Responsibility - Managing taxpayer funds responsibly, efficiently, and effectively; governing within our means.

Performance Measures

Actual FY 23 Actual FY 24 Estimate FY 25 Change 276,110 353,340 378,580 43,403 44,120 48,130 319,513 397,460 426,710 10,788 6,266 6,200 8,981 7,647 10,000 26 36 24 6 6 6 1,354,886 1,036,838 1,000,000

1 - Number of Passenger Trips completed - FY 24 & FY 25 Forecast (Fixed Route) 2 - Number of Passenger Trips completed - FY 24 & FY 25 Forecast (Demand Response / ADA) 4 - Miles between major mechanical failures (Fixed Route 5 - Miles between major mechanical failures (Demand Response / ADA) 6 - Number of Preventable Safety Events (Fixed Route) 7 - Number of Preventable Safety Events (Demand Response / ADA) 8 - Vehicle Maintenance Expenses 3 - Total Passenger Trips completed (Fixed Route & Demand Response / ADA)

Performance Measure 1: Number of Passenger Trips completed - FY 24 & FY 25 Forecast (Fixed Route) ABOUT THIS MEASURE: Transit Continues to rebound from the Pandemic with positive gains in fixed route ridership. Total system ridership increased an estimated 28% in FY 24 vs FY 23. We expect continued growth of 7% forecasted in FY 2025. It is critical to track, grow and report ridership under the new MTA funding methodology. System performance is one metric in the funding allocation methodology. Passenger trips completed equates to stable or increased funding annually. We continue to market the fixed routes which are a more economical service to provide, offering all day and bulk passes to maximize the use. Addressing new growth and stop requests, we implemented QR codes for passengers to stop requests while ensuring fixed route service remains on time. WHAT IS BEING DONE AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO TRACK:


Quality customer service, improved vehicle and system reliability, timed transfer points and replacing older fleet vehicles. Maintaining a professional image through bus washing (exterior and quarterly interior), bus shelter power washing and updating the routing technology to communicate better with our riders.


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