FY 25 Harford County Approved Operating Budget
Harford County Department of Information & Communication Technology FY 2025 Performance Measure Report
Actual FY 23 Actual FY 24 Estimate FY 25 Change 500 827 1200 23 41 55 Honest Government - Doing what is right on behalf of the citizens we serve. Fiscal Responsibility - Managing taxpayer funds responsibly, efficiently, and effectively; governing within our means. Strong Families - Building & maintaining public infrastructure and facilities; promoting open space and protecting our environment. Public Safety - Preparing for emergencies, deploying first responders on-time to every part of our County, mitigating disasters, and supporting law enforcement Excellence in Education - Investing in the classroom; focusing on student achievement; creating quality employment and intern opportunities Economic Prosperity - Attracting and retaining high quality business and meaningful jobs. Performance Measures 1 - Think Big active broadband customers 2 - Number of Harford County Public School buildings on the County VoIP system 3 - Additional Miles of HMAN fiber installed 4 - Number of aging applications to be replaced or upgraded 38 35 45 7 7 9 Vision: Harford County Government serves with the highest levels of professionalism, collaboration, and innovation in public service. Mission: To govern with integrity, competency, and efficiency, improving the quality of life for all Harford countians Alignment to Countywide Strategic Goals
5 - Departmental Technology Refresh Cycle in years
6 - Number of projects to improve Cyber Security Posture
Performance Measure 1: Think Big active broadband customers
ABOUT THIS MEASURE: This measure tracks the number of Rural Broadband customers activated by Think Big. WHAT IS BEING DONE AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO TRACK:
The Public/Private Partnership with the County and Think Big is building the fiber infrastructure that will be used to provide Broadband Service to the rural areas of Harford County.
Getting Access Agreements signed by the property owners allowing the County to install the fiber infrastructure.
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